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Efficient Solar Panel Maintenance Services

Save yearly costs with clean solar panels

Providing Solar Service in King and Pierce County in Washington.

Is your system optimized?

Contact us to see how we can help your solar panel system.

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4 years

Solar maintenance services


Licensed in Washington

Our services

Solar Panel Troubleshooting

Solar Panel Cleaning

Solar System Health Checks

Emergency Services

Meet our

Solar Energy Team

At Washington Solar Services, we believe in providing honest and transparent pricing solutions.

Our solar health checks are designed to be efficient, reliable, and cost-effective. We offer a range of services, including solar health checks, troubleshooting, cleaning and maintenance.

Our team of experts is committed to delivering high-quality solar solutions. Our goal is to give you a piece of mind knowing your solar investment is working efficiently and meets your energy needs. Contact us today to learn more about our clean solar services.

Keeping Solar Strong

Washington Solar Services is dedicated to helping homeowners by providing top-quality solar power maintenance and services. Our mission is to promote transparency with our Customer First approach to servicing your system.

Build a brighter future with

solar power

Switching to solar power can provide numerous benefits for your home or business. Not only does solar power reduce your reliance on fossil fuels, but it also helps lower your energy bills and increase your property value.

By harnessing the power of the sun, you can reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment.

At Washington Solar Services, we specialize in providing high-quality solar services that are tailored to meet your specific system needs. Contact us today to learn more about the benefits of solar panel cleaning for your home or business.

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Reduce your energy costs

Switching to solar power can save you money in the long run. Not only will you reduce your dependence on traditional energy sources, but you'll also reduce your monthly utility bills. By producing your own electricity, you'll be able to avoid the rising costs of electricity and utility rates.

Additionally, solar power systems require maintenance to keep your panels as efficient as possible, which means you should clean and check the status of your panels yearly. At Washington Solar Services, we offer custom solar power service solutions to suit your needs and budget.


  • Do I need to do a Health Check on my Solar system?

    Yes! You should have your system checked yearly to ensure none of your panels are loose and your wiring is still attached to the brackets. Pricing is based on system size and roof access. 

  • How much does it cost for me to clean my panels?

    Our team has seen quite a few systems and all of them are different. Each company has their own techniques for installing. Our minimum price for cleaning is $300. Prices vary due to panel configurations and panel count. We will do our best to work within a reasonable budget.

  • What other services do you offer?

    While being on your roof is important, so is understanding how your system works. We can also provide solar app support to ensure your solar app is working and providing you details about your system. New to solar or just purchased a house with solar?  We  can do a solar health check to ensure you are correctly up and running.

  • Why should I choose Washington Solar Services?

    Because we're experienced. Because we know what we're doing, and because we genuinely believe we can help you. Our founder also has solar on his house and has dealt with big business and their lack of support. Our goal is to bring you a  positive experience for your investment. 

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